Season 2  |  Episode 3

Product-Led Growth with Self-Service with Esben Friis-Jensen, Userflow

Join SugarCRM & Esben Friis-Jensen for Fuel Growth Podcast’s S2E3 and learn how to fuel a successful product-led growth strategy with self-service and UX.

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About the Episode

Esben Friis-Jensen is the co-founder and Chief Growth Officer at Userflow, a no-code builder for in-app onboarding and surveys, allowing SaaS businesses to drive more product-led growth. Since its creation, Userflow has raised millions of USD in ARR with its 3-person team.

On this episode of Fuel Growth, learn how Esben and his team successfully applied a product-led growth strategy to Userflow by focusing on improving user experience (UX) and self-service without growing the team.

Get the recap of this episode, or check out the site for more episodes, and information about the Fuel Growth podcast, brought to you by SugarCRM.


Esben Friis-Jensen Co-founder and Chief Growth Officer at Userflow

Esben Friis-Jensen is the co-founder and Chief Growth Officer at Userflow, a no-code builder for in-app onboarding and surveys, allowing SaaS businesses to be more product-led. Prior to Userflow, Esben co-founded Cobalt, which today is a 200+ employee company. At Cobalt, Esben was a part of a product-led growth initiative, and this piqued his interest to go all in and join a company in the space. Userflow has since then been able to bootstrap to millions of USD in ARR with a team of just three people.


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Season 3 | Episode 6
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