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Integrate Infor CRM with Sugar Market

Companies can drive 5-36% growth simply through alignment, according to SiriusDecisions, so it’s no surprise that the single most important criteria for success is the alignment of the Sales team and Marketing team.. The easiest way to do this is by picking a marketing automation software that will seamlessly integrate with your existing Infor CRM.
By aligning marketing communications and sales activity, Sugar Market offers the opportunity to share innovations and make informed decisions throughout the entire sales cycle. Gain complete visibility of key marketing processes and sales efforts with advanced marketing analytics and customization options.

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Maximize Your Technology Investment

Infor CRM offers a cost effective web and LAN deployment option. Most marketing automation solution providers do not integrate well, if at all, with LAN-based customer relationship management systems, but Sugar Market has two versions of its integration with Infor CRM to adapt to both LAN and Web scenarios. Learn more about the integration below:

  • Only MAP to provide integration to Infor CRM on-premise, cloud, and hybrid environments
  • No middleware required. Fully supported out-of-the-box integrations are native
  • Automatically and continuously replicates and synchronizes your Infor CRM database
  • Combines native and iFrame-based integration
  • All marketing campaign data housed natively inside Infor CRM

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